Friday, July 30, 2010

Camargue horse

A river of clouds and splendor of light

Still without a name, it heaves forward

Time yields to nothing, living or dead

Shame considers itself and moves   

But remains nearby to be used again.
Goodness considers itself and stands fast

Mankind stumbles but does well as the purpose is fulfilled

A stone sees much and changes little 

Green lives, but dies 

No time to waste

Still no need to lament, still no need to lament

Tears fall and stop the movement

Blocking new adventure, surrendering opportunity

A smile in a storm yields all that is important

More to see, more to know, more to love

Then bursts forth a new life, born through a splendor of light

and a river of clouds

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Thursday, July 8, 2010

An Under-Appreciated Document

The Constitution of the United States of America. Under-appreciated. Seldom read. Often ignored by the very laws it spawns. Ripped from the classrooms where it was once revered. Shattered by the three branches of government. Indeed, the sacred document is peed upon as if it were an old cedar post along a rusty fence in an ignominius pasture.

Article 1 Section 8: The Congress shall have Power to lay and collect Taxes . . . but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States.

A recent government action ignored that section. A 'special deal' negotiated for a Nebraska Senator's vote, placed the entire burden of healthcare on all other states except Nebraska. Now, that didn't pass, but it was proposed and supported by the highest ranking officials in the Obama administration. More pee on the old cedar post.

Amendment II: The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Hmmmm. We have cities all over the country that violate this law by OUTLAWING weapons of any kind, even for home defense. A recent Supreme Court decision BARELY defeated this law, in a Chicago case. A single vote separated the Constitutional Right to keep and bare arms, from a bench-based circumvention of a BASIC right of the PEOPLE.

Article 4 Section 4: The United States shall . . . protect each (state) against Invasion . . . and Domestic violence.

Apparently, that doesn't apply to border states. I blame Republicans and Democrats, equally, for the border fiasco. The Feds oughta be fighting the border war for the states. The Constitution demands it. But, the limp-wristed, weasel bums in office have ignored the threat caused by a porous border.

I don't care if honest, hard working Latino's want to come into the country to work and pay taxes and pay their own way. Let 'em come. But, we don't know who's coming across the border. Bad guys, drug guys, murderous thug guys, even terrorist guys are flooding into our country, deteriorating our security, and the Feds ain't doin' a thing about it.

Arizona tried to do something and now the communist bureaucracy, we call the Feds, is suing them. Again, Arizona is constitutionally guaranteed the protection of the Feds . . . but the Feds are suing Arizona rather than protecting them.

There are a thousand examples just like these.

The People used to be the OWNERS OF ALL RIGHTS KNOWN TO MANKIND, but have been reduced to pissing posts. Not me. I own all my rights and carefully guard them.

I'm sharpening my bayonet.